I’m not really talking about the act of indulging on a liquid libation…Though, I do love a good Whiskey. There are similar elements that derive from the taste of a good Whiskey paired with good music. As, Diana Ross eludes to this in her "Love Hangover". Both provide that warm feeling, a sense of satisfaction and a conversation piece. Hear me out, I’m not talking about the physical sense of passionate indiscretion and the sensuality that may come from that one sip, but the feeling that comes before that. That mental space, while looking for a perfect song that mimics one's true emotions at that moment. Once you hear it, you just know, it's that initial gratification of yes, there it is, that's it, that's the song, like Sylvia does so eloquently in "Pillow Talk". That look, the biting of the lip and that sweet kiss on the neck, everything that calls for a nice night or day, depending on your appetite. Is this Love? Are these the components that manif...